Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Madagascar periwinkle and Male Common Skimmer;

(My header sometimes won’t match at the time of your kind visits for the new post;)
These flowers are from my planter placed outside of the front door. 
We call this flower "日々草, nichi-nichi-sou". Literally it means "everyday plant" in Japanese. Very popular one found at the flower shop in this season. I tried the macro-shots, not satisfied much... p;)

*Found the Male Common Skimmer*
When I went out of my house, I found this dragonfly on the signboard for my teaching class placed at our fence. Looks like he was so tired and taking a break there resting. Lucky that he gave me enough time to fetch camera; I cautiously kept at a safe distance from him. I was happy I could have both pictures of female and male of this dragonfly ♫♫♫    Female version here;

Thank you very much for stopping by;

Linking this post to  "Nature Notes" and "I Heart Macro"


  1. Hello Miyako!! Greetings! Oh I love the flower colors as they are so soft. I too find that I am not happy with light colored flower photos as the color washes out, but your photos are lovely.. And love that beautiful dragonfly. I sure he is so handsome that he will have plenty of females around him....Michelle from Nature Notes...

  2. loving your dragonfly! Carole, at snaphappyonline.blogspot.com

  3. My parents used to grow periwinkle in their garden too, I totally forgot but this post reminded me. How lovely are the photos of the dragonfly!

  4. Hello Miyako!:)Lovely photos of both flowers and dragonfly.I love to see dragonflies in unusual places. What a nice surprise to find the beautiful male Common Skimmer resting on your sign.
    Have a good week.:)

  5. Hi Miyako! Your flowers are very pretty - I love the colors! Wonderful photos of the skimmer, too. They are such amazing little things. Hope you have a lovely day!
    A hug xo

  6. Hello, Miyako! The Periwinkle is beautiful. Lovely photos. And the dragonfly is a cool capture! I have been noticing more dragonflies lately.. Wonderful post, enjoy your day!

  7. Dear Miyako,

    The periwinkle flowers are really pretty and how lucky you were to be able to photograph the dragonflies.
    Hope you are enjoying the week

  8. Nichi-nichi-sou are very pretty! Didn't realize they come in so many different colors!
    That is a very handsome male dragonfly :-) Until reading your posts, I could never tell if it was male or female. I remember letting dragonflies perch on my finger when I was a child :-)

    Have a lovely day, Miyako san! Be careful with summer heat!

  9. Dearest Miyako,
    Love your choice of Madagascar periwinkle and also the excellent shots of the dragonflies.

  10. Miyako, such lovely flowers, and some that I don't have in my back yard as yet. I'll have to speak to the master gardener to see if they will survive in Texas. I'm fascinated by the dragonflies. Hugs from the US
    Linda Kay

  11. You are teaching high school student? Wow!
    Nichi-nichi-so is strong plant because they are blooming in our garden though I'm not good at raising flowers.
    Have a nice day!

  12. Beautiful delicate blooms! The dragonfly shots are wonderful!

  13. Those flowers are so pretty and colorful! Amazing shots of the dragonfly. The male and female are quite different in coloring. Nature is so full of variety, I could never tire of it.

  14. I think the blossoms are lovely! And I love the shots of the dragonfly.

  15. I like dragonflies, but those flowers are very delicate and pretty. Your macros turned out lovely!

  16. Macros are difficult but I think you did a wonderful job with both the flowers and the skimmer!

  17. Love the images of your skimmer. :)

    , I´m reopening "NF Winged" tomorrow Thursday july 24th.
    We are not many but I can run it for a while and then we will se what happens. It would be great if you could tell people you think might be interested. I was unlucky as the people I thought might be interested in mention it and link to the survey forgot to do it. 
    I can already tell you I will be gone for three weeks in september but can leave a link open during that period of time.

  18. Hi Miyako- great shots of the dragonfly- and I think your macro shots of the flowers are very nice. Have a good weekend!

  19. Hi Miyako san!
    Glorious blossoms! The orange flowers nichi-nichi soo macro-shots
    not satisfied much descka..
    Your teaching was taking a break there resting in enough time to fetch camera you kept a safe destance from him.
    You have of both dragonfly.
    Aigo English school Kokosai.
    I don't like the spiders...
    We having a still raining day... I have no idea when the sun well be the all days...
    Have a nice day! with Otosan tone!

  20. What lovely colors on your flowers. The dragonfly shots are amazing!

  21. Your flowers are very pretty. The dragonfly is gorgeous. Hugs, Gunilla

  22. I really love that dragonfly, I think our season has gone so I will have to wait again for next spring.

  23. ✿⊱。¸.

    Todas a fotos estão lindas.

    Boa semana!

  24. Pretty flowers and fascinating dragonfly!

  25. What a lovely close up look at your periwinkles. Those colors are really pretty. Fabulous captures of the dragonfly.
