Wednesday, July 24, 2024

”Earthquake Charity Concert " & "Dragonfly" ;

               *2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Charity Concert*
The band-Group my husband involved attended at the Charity concert for the Earthquake happened at the "Noto Peninsular" in Japan. This earthquake occurred January First this year with magnitude "7.6".  As this happened at the "New Year", we were so surprised to hear the news. Hoping the reconstruction work is going smoothly.
I was hoping for the movie of this performance, but feeling so sad that the movie didn't work well......

May I say that the sound of Drams is a bit noisy, so please watch out and be careful about it. 

 Dragonfly called "Pantala flavescens" *

The other day, my husband found the dragon fly called "Pantala flavescens" perching one of our garden's trees. He looked really excited as he could find the kind for the first time. He released it after taking some pictures. We let it perch on the leaf of the bamboo. 

Thank you very much for stopping by:
Wishing you all are having beautiful & rewarding days;   
 Lot's of love, Miyako; 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Baby Swallows at the pizza parlor;

*Found Baby Swallow's*

I could take pictures of the 4 Babby Swallows in the nest at the door of the old closed "Pizzeria" parlor. My friend told me about it. As it sure was hard to find birdies nowadays.  This was an Amazing Luck for me (p;)  Seeing the babies looked HAPPLY enjoying the meal, the scene sure gave my heart really warm. When I was a girl, I sure was waiting my mother come back in the evening and happy making dinner together. I felt really thankful for my hubby that he helps me finding these scenes sometime.

Thank you very much for stopping by:
Wishing you all are having beautiful & rewarding days;   
 Lot's of love, Miyako; 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rice-Planting & Heron from Rice-Paddy;

*Spring is the Season for Rice-Planting*

Before heading for shopping almost less than a week ago, I asked my husband to drive by the Rice Paddy to take pictures of farmers becoming ready for Rice-Planting. As I guessed, I could catch the scene of two types of Herons & Rice-Planting machine. I was happy to be able to share the scene with Herons & the farmers together. So sorry that I couldn't post sooner. Hope these scenes will give you a bit of ideas of Rice-Planting. 

*They looked so used to be with trucker* 

*Gathered many numbers*
*They looked so adorable & not to care about the tractor*
*After a little while they all flew away together*

Thank you very much for stopping by:
Have a beautiful days;    Lot's of love, Miyako;