Saturday, November 2, 2024

Went to see "Miniature-Life Exhibition"

  *First of all, I AM SO sorry that I couldn't write a new post sooner & haven't visited you; I have been a bit busy & a little below par. Hoping you all are doing well. *

                 Went to see "Miniature-Life Exhibition" with my friend;

I went see -life Exhibition by "Tetsuya-Tanaka" with my friend. We both enjoyed all these sweet Miniature-Sized works for the first time. We wondered how you will be able to get the cute images of the works through my pictures p;) 

My friend & I was sitting on the miniature-sided chair. 

Thank you very much for stopping by; 
"Hoping you all are having great Autume Day"


  1. What a cool exhibition, I like miniature things

  2. Such an honest and relatable post! It's refreshing to see openness about challenges. A lovely reminder that communication, even with apologies, can build stronger connections. Great read! Schools in Greater Noida
