Wednesday, September 4, 2024

"Once a Year Pruning“ at our Garden also ”Dam & Rice Paddy"

"Once a Year Pruning“ at our Garden; A bit late last month, our gardener whom we ask pruning every year came to visit our garden.  He is really a skilled person & done his usual wonderful work for our tiny garden. As he used to be my late brother's friend. I think we are really lucky to be able to ask him every year around this season.  We had one pine tree but it's dead because of weevil damage. Maintaining PINE tree in good shape sure must requires skills like expertise. I needed to do the cleanup job & under hot weather, I got exhausted a bit... (P;)   I thought it is happy for me if our tiny garden may give you an idea of not a gorgeous plain Japanese garden look like.

                      First two pictures are showing how the job had DONE ♬
Let me show you Gardners hard job with both hands & Electric Saw we appreciate so much. Sorry for the big noise of the Electric Saw with Video;

It would be my pleasure if you will enjoy the pictures Japanese gardeners' excellent job
I needed to do the cleanup job and a bit exhausted... I stayed a little bit long bath-tab to comfort my body that night (worked well for my tired muscles).   I'm not a person for the outside job, p;) 

*Let me show you the pictures of Dam & Rice -Paddy I could take late last month while driving * 

I became a bit busy & just a little bit out of shape;  
I think I will be better soon (P;)
Lot's of LOVE,  Miyako;


  1. Dearest Miyako,
    You indeed are very lucky for having that gardener, friend of your late brother.
    He is skilled at shaping those pine trees to perfection! A lot of details.
    Yes, outdoor work is hard but both my Pieter and I have always loved doing so.
    A shower feels so good afterwards!
    Now I have no strength and in constant pain post accident so we have a crew coming out to do the lawn and hoping that the special tree man has worked yesterday and today.
    I'm not home as I drove the 2.5 hours yesterday to the university hospital to see my nephrologist. Right after surgery of my aortic dissection (post accident) I had this note on my report from vascular surgeon: AKI = Acute Kidney Insury... due to being at intensive care and due to surgery and opioids etc. Now I'm at the brink of kidney failure and need to discuss with vascular surgeon what my options are...

  2. Hello Miyako,
    Great collection of photos. The trees look nice after the pruning.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. Excited to see our garden thrive with the annual pruning! fluentbit And looking forward to the progress at the dam and rice paddy as well. Keeping everything well-maintained ensures a flourishing garden and a successful harvest!
