Friday, May 17, 2024

Flowers again from our city-Airport;

 *Went to the City-Airport to see flowers*

My friend & I went to see flowers to our city-airport. Enjoyed taking pictures of flowers decorated in front of the airport with my friend. It was about a bit more than a week ago, feeling happy to be able to find time for posting this topic.

Here is the picture of the control tower.
*Let me show you the flowers decorated beautifully*

Happy that I could find Bluish Colored ones as well.
Thank you very much for stopping by:
Have a beautiful days;    Lot's of love, Miyako;


  1. Dearest Miyako,
    What a lovely garden is that at your city–airport!

  2. The flowers are so pretty with vibrant colours and I like your blue "love in a mist" ones as well.

  3. You photographed beautiful flowers.
    The variety of roses is so beautiful and I also like the blue of the cornflower.
    A cheerful greeting comes from Viola.
    Thank you very much. The roses aren't blooming here yet.
