Monday, January 31, 2022

Luxury Train, Ginga (銀河) from Platform & Gray Heron ;

*Luxury Train from Local Station*
I had a chance to see luxurious Train called ”Ginga” which means "galaxy" in Japanese.
My friend told me that we can take pictures of this train; only at the time it passes by the station close to our house. I've never experienced to ride these gorgeous train p-;)  

The conductor was waiving to the children. 

*Found Coot in the near-by river*
Happy that I could find this bird after a long while.
Thank you very much for stopping by,
Hoping that you all are having wonderful year 2022♬


  1. Miyako - what an interesting train! Who rides it? Is it a private train? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  2. I am sure it would be fun to take a ride. love the kids waiving to the train - I used to do it in my childhood ;-).

  3. Nice to see these sights from your part of the world.
    I hope you are having a good week.

  4. You were not allowed to look inside? In Finland we have no luxury trains, all are allowed to every person. Warm greetings.

  5. Hello Miyako,
    The train sounds nice, it would be fun to just take a ride somewhere.
    Love the Coot photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  6. A luxury train ride would be amazing. All your photos are lovely.
