Saturday, October 15, 2016

PS. about the Marking of Chestnut Tiger Butterfly;

 * Had a call from Mr.  Shimada whom we met at the Ryuou-Mt. *
When my husband saw the marking, he said it must be really rare to have a shot like this. And he contacted city to know his phone number to report it.

Through the first phone-call to him, I learned his mail address and sent the picture. We had a return call from him this morning and he said he kindly contacted to the Marking-Net to check.
   1.  Marking was put at the Yatsugadake-peak in Nagano-pref.
   2.  He couldn't ID the organization of "TM" which put the marking.
   3.  Date  Aug. 12th.   230th marking there.

*Information from him*   This butterfly starts flying from Taiwan around April about 100a day.  The poison in honeydew of  "hiyodoribana,ヒヨドリバナ " works as pheromone to draw female. The number of the female is smaller than the male's.
This year, he put markings for 20~30 of this butterflies with elementary-school children. All of them was the male he said.

We appreciate those information from Mr. Shimada very much♪
So sorry for my absence Visiting You Soon.
Have a nice coming weekend♡♡♡

PS; I have a next year's calendar gift on Oct. 8th post, still works :-)


  1. Dearest Miyako,
    Thanks for the info!

  2. Good morning Miyako, that is really interesting to do! Lovely photos, enjoy your weekend! Karen

  3. It's very interesting to know! I guess it's important to track them for the research and it's nice of Mr. Shimada to give you detailed information :-)

  4. That is really interesting Miyako! I've never heard of this and it is probably very helpful to butterfly experts to be able to track them. How wonderful that you got such a clear picture and that your husband was able to learn about what it meant .... and pass on the information.
