Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer Camellia and Fence;

Linking this post to Floral Friday,Good Fences and Floral Friday Foto;
   "Stewartia pseudocamellia" is called "Summer Camellia, 夏椿 " in Japanese. 
    I never knew this flower until I found it in the Japanese Free-Illustration site.
                                                  I made the header from the site   (details at the end of this page);

My late mother used to love the camellia but I don't remember we saw them or she mentioned this flower. Seems a bit hard to have a good chance for photos as it blooms only short while during the rainy season.  
My friend learned there is a tree at the 'sou-rin-ji temple; 宗隣寺'.  
As you can see, unfortunately we found just a few of the flowers(^^;)

Here are the pictures of the temple with many fences;
Entrance and the corridor with wooden fences;

We wash our hands here. The small arrow in the left-side of the picture below shows the  family crest of the land lord who owned around my area. (enlarging photo may help)

Thank you very much for stopping by;

PS> About illustration page; Here is the page but this site has all the same html for each page and takes you instruction page in Japanese... You can try clicking the word '春夏秋冬' (which means the season) at first. Then the square.
I'll be busy today and tomorrow. Sorry for the early posting ;-)


  1. the summer cammelia reminds me of fried eggs with their coloration. :)

    the temple looks pretty. i love the roof on the hand-washing station. so pretty!

  2. Such a beautiful flower! The temple is gorgeous as well.

  3. Pretty flower and I like the roof on the temple- very interesting!

  4. my mother loved camellias also!!!!
    your photos of the Temple are wonderful.
    xo from across the ocean!!

  5. I love camelias but don't see them much any more ... they bloom very early in the spring in Oregon before we get back nowadays. Yours must be a different variety to bloom in the summer. I wonder if it would grow in Oregon, I will have to ask my daughter and son in law if they have heard of it.

  6. I love camelias but don't see them much any more ... they bloom very early in the spring in Oregon before we get back nowadays. Yours must be a different variety to bloom in the summer. I wonder if it would grow in Oregon, I will have to ask my daughter and son in law if they have heard of it.

  7. Dear Miyako,

    Your summer Camellia is so pretty and I enjoyed seeing all your beautiful photos. We have two Camellia bushes and they are soon going to start flowering.
    Happy week

  8. Dearest Miyako,
    Lovely photos of this pseudo camellia in your area. These shrubs or trees can become quite tall.
    Sending you love and hugs,

  9. Miyako, I love your pictures !
    You always show great places and very original flowers !
    Have a nice day :)

  10. Hello Miyako!
    The camelia is a lovely flower. Beautiful photos. And the temple is pretty. Thanks for sharing, have a happy day!

  11. Hi Miyako san. These summer camellia flowers are very cute! They kind of remind me of medama-yaki...hahaha I'm always thinking about food :-)
    The temple photos are beautiful! Makes me feel serene and peaceful. Have a great day, Miyako san!

  12. Beautiful temple!!! And the flowers...they're very pretty. Looks like 'sunny side up fried eggs'...I bet the fragrance is extraordinary.

  13. We have two camellia bushes in our yard...they are pink. Love these white ones. Your photos of the blooms and temple are wonderful. Wish I could visit there some day.

  14. Dear Miyako,
    Beautiful photos of the Camellia - I have the exact same variety growing here in my garden in WA state. This year it put on a beautiful show for the first time. We enjoyed the blossoms for weeks, but now it is resting. The temple is beautiful with all the different fences. It looks like such a peaceful place.
    Hugs xo Karen

  15. Your header is beautiful, as is the temple. Love the camellias!

  16. That header is beautiful - especially when I put on my glasses and see that it is flowers, not deviled eggs! lol Very pretty. And the roof of the temple is so interesting.

  17. Very pretty white Camelias, and so is the temple entrance.
    Sending regards from Portugal.

  18. I'm happy you shared that lovely blossom with us too. Incredible wooden fences and structures too, nice looking scenery. Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  19. Beautiful shots of the Camellia flowers. Nd love the temple shots as well.

  20. We moved here a year ago and found a few Camilla's in our back yard. Its a beautiful flower and you capture a very pretty example. Love the temple pictures, too.
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. That is a very beautiful camellia. The camellias I have in my garden are pink and red, and one is a mixture of red and white. They are nice but not quite a beautiful as the one you showed us here.

  22. I featured the camellia too! Isn't it just a lovely bloom? Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

  23. What a really lovely blog! Such great design, made me smile when I arrived! I am new to the blog hop, these are really fabulous photos
    Looking forward to more of your posts!!

  24. Hello Orchid!:) I came back to follow your blog,and thank you for your visit to mine.:)

    It's a very lovely sight to see the feathers open, and I'm glad you were interested enough to check the Hoopoe out on your PC.

    Kisses back to you!:)

  25. Miyako, your photos are beautiful and the orchids are stunning to see. Thanks for visiting me. Have a lovely day. Pamela

  26. Hi Miyako,

    So nice to meet you! I'm visiting via Floral Friday, where your thumbnail caught my eye! They are very pretty, and yes, as some have commented, they do rather look like fried eggs from a distance!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  27. Hello, Miyako

    I've enjoyed looking at the beautiful camellias as well as the architectural photographs. There is a sense of peace and tranquility in your photos.


  28. Dear Miyako,

    Aren't camellias the most beautiful flowers and I loved seeing your pretty blooms.
    Have a happy weekend dear friend.
    Sending love and hugs, from New Zealand

  29. Hello dear Miyako

    Your white camellia shrub is beautiful.
    I'm so surprised to hear it is a summer flowering camellia.

    The photos of the temple and the fences is very attractive - good strong architectural lines.

    Wishing you a happy weekend.

  30. The camellia is gorgeous and the temple is very beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!

  31. Wonderful camellia blossoms you took Miyako-san! And it's always a pleasure for me to have a look on some pictures of Japanese temples we don't have at all here in good old Germany!

  32. These are beautiful and so special that you capture them in such a short blooming season! Thanks for sharing them!!!
