Saturday, July 19, 2014

Recent cute visiters;

*Summer holiday for the school children started in Japan* 
Recently, we had cute guests who showed us their skills of Electone or electronic organ "エレクトーン 'erekuto-n' ".  First girl is one of my students who is the 4th year of the elementary school. Second girl is the daughter of my husband's ex-colleague, whom my old friend may be familiar with. Yes, she's growing up beautifully♪

           She played the music which she played at the concert and awarded.
Oh, we and my husband's band group members (my husband taped her play) were so amazed at her skill. Almost made us think she is talented for professional in the future
♬♬♬  So happy to be able to hear her play.

She showed us the music she played at the recital for children. We love to have these sweet guests :-)  Her mother is the excellent player and my husband enjoys playing saxophone with her keyboard. You'll see them in these pages.

Thank you very much for stopping by;

PS> I wonder which word you would use for this instrument 'Electone' or 'electronic organ'... 
Found the answer from Wikipedia, "Electone is the trademark used for electronic organs" of Musical Instrument Company.


  1. Hello Miyako!:) What a lovely post about such sweet and talented young girls.I think it's wonderful that they have started to play an intrument at such an early age, as well as enjoyable, it's such a social asset, and could even be as you say, a profession at a later stage.Im sure your interest and encouragement is much appreciated.

    I like your huge bowl,what a whopper!:=)Enjoy your weekend Miyako. Hugs.:)

  2. Dearest Miyako,
    Always lovely if little children show such an interest in music and excell in it!
    Especially being able to play the key board on the electronic organ is quite a talent for her age.
    Hugs to you and happy weekend!

  3. Hello Miyako, it is always wonderful to see any child so interested in playing a music instrument. She is talented and a beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing, happy weekend to you!

  4. sweet and talented young ladies! wonderful. :)

  5. Oh what sweet guests :-) It's so wonderful they can play electronic organs at such young age. It must be lots of fun!
    Love your header as always. The basket for pink flowers looks like musical note :-)
    Have a lovely weekend, Miyako san! It seems we are having very rainy weekend. I hope sun shines for you!

  6. Miyako, thanks for sharing such lovely talent with us today. I love the way you incorporate the notes in your blog, makes me think you are singing instead of writing! I play piano and organ (bigger), and always enjoy....but mostly just for myself.

  7. Young talents :) I am sure you enjoyed their visit

  8. How wonderful to have these sweet guests entertaining you. They are pretty and talented! Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Dear Miyako,
    What sweet guests you have had, so adorable and talented! It must have been so fun to hear them play!
    Hope you are having drier weather.
    Hugs xo

  10. Dear Miyako San!
    Wakai Kodomosan tachini Organ play very well wis youngar age time and you has when youger times us well,
    When You has Marvelous memories of English stadays all ways very good excellen Miyako san!
    Have a good time with Otosan!

  11. Hello Miyako!
    Just came over to say many thanks for your visit, and I don't mind at all that you call me by my name.:)

  12. Darling little girl! How nice that she is so musically talented! I have just returned from a two week vacation and have lots of photos to share in the coming weeks. Hope you have a wonderful week!
