Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Baby Swallows and Unique Goldfish;

*Baby Swallows*
To buy an 'arranged preserved flowers' for my cousin's birthday, I went to a small flower shop. The owner is an old lady handling the shop by herself and she is my husband's old acquaintance. 
What a sweet surprise, she told us about the baby swallows inside the shop. A few years ago, a pair swallows started to making their nest outside the shop. But for the sake of the safety, they chose on top of the adjustment machine (maybe) of the fridge for the flowers inside the shop. I rushed to fetch my camera to the car p;)

You can see the nest in the picture below.

And I also found the goldfish originated from China with funny face in the fish tank there. It is called ”Oranda”.  Japanese name is, 'オランダ獅子頭, oranda-shishigashira'. It is literally means "Holland lion head". During the time we had the seclusion policy, things from foreign country is much-prized being called "thing from Holland" because of the trading relationship with the country.  'Picture Page' of them.

Thank you very much for stopping by;


  1. Hello Miyako!:) These are awsome shots! I am amazed tosee swallows nesting indoors.Just the coming and going backwards and forwards they would have needed to make the nest is mind boggling.How kind of your friend to let them stay on top of her fridge.
    I once had a goldfish like the one in the tank, it lived for 4yrs in the garden pond.
    Hugs and kisses.

  2. i think baby swallows are some of the cutest baby birds in the world! obviously their parents can get in and out of the shop easily. so sweet! the goldfish is exotic.

  3. Que lindas andorinhas bebê!" Adorei e as flores lindas também! bjs,chica

  4. Beautiful!( Sunt adorabili. Zilele trecute am gasit doi puisori de randunica cazuti din cuibul lor. Din pacate nu au supravietuit . A fost foarte trist sa-i vad morti!)

  5. Oh my gosh, they are so CUTE! I have yet to get photos of ANY bird babies in the nest, but if I do, I hope they're the swallows. Precious!!!

  6. Hello Dear Miyako. How sweet the baby birds are and how lucky that they have a safe place to grow up. The flower shop owner is a very caring person. I love the colorful fish and I miss having a fish tank of my own. So nice to see you in Nature Notes.. Thank you so much.. Michelle

  7. Swallows do like to make their nests on narrow shelves but this seems like a very strange place. :)

  8. With the exception of large warehouse type stores like Sams and Home Depot, I don't think I have ever seen birds nest indoors! They are cute! The flowers are gorgeous, and the fish are unique- I don't think I have seen those before. Have a great week! Keep that camera handy..I carry mine in the car too!

  9. Wow ! What sweet babies ! They have a safe home ! Miyako, you showed wonderful pictures. Thank you very much for sharing !
    Greetings :)

  10. Hello Miyako, I am glad the baby swallows are safe. They are so cute. Adorable photos of the birds. And the Goldfish is cool and exotic.. Wonderful post, thanks for sharing..Enjoy your week ahead!

  11. Awww the swallows are so cute!! They found such a lovely place for their nest :-) It must be fun to watch them grow! And the goldfish is very cute, too. Sure looks unique! I love how the flowers are arranged around the fish tank. Looks very lovely!
    Have a great day, Miyako san!

  12. Exotic goldfish!
    And the baby swallows are a joy to see.

  13. Oh Miyako the baby swallows are adorable! What a nice lady the shop owner must be to let the birds in and out of her store! I've seen baby swallows peeking out of bird houses when the parents bring food, but never such a great view of their nest...thanks so much for sharing .

    Very interesting information about the exotic goldfish and the trade policy with other countries as well.

  14. Wonderful photos! They're so adorable.

  15. HI The baby Swallows are wonderful and cute. That is a very exotic looking fish.

  16. how sweet those swallows are!!
    i have never seen a goldfish like that...it is fabulous!!!
    your photos are lovely my friend..i do enjoy,so very much, seeing your world through your eyes!!!

  17. Lovely babies and flowers! Who would not want to live in a flower shop!

  18. Hello Miyako, Thank you for linking up your post with my critter party. Enjoy your weekend!

  19. My first time to see see baby swallows. They are cute.


  20. Wow and Wow! That is amazing to see the swallows have chosen an indoor home for their nest, great photo, and those goldfish are rather special.
    Wren x

  21. YOu got some really nice shots of those adorable baby swallows. I'm glad they're in a safe place. The lionhead goldfish is really beautiful.

  22. Cute birds and a wise decision to nest indoor, great that they can do it.

  23. Wonderful shots for SC ~ love the baby swallows and colorful gold fish ~ Always a delight to see your post ~ thanks,Miyako ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  24. You got some great photos of the swallow babies! How fun for them to have a nest inside. They are peaking down watching them! haha.

    love goldfish..beautiful!

  25. It is so much fun for us humans to watch the baby birds...and swallows are a favorite, cute one to see hatch!!!

    Beautiful flowers too!

    Thank you, for linking up this weekend. Much appreciated.
