Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Rice Planting Season Came;


 Let me show you Rice-Paddy & Herons this year's version;

Late May came, farmers are just starting to work at the Rice-Paddy. Herons are also gathering there for their water and food. I was luckily passing by there for shopping. Hurried to get close for picture taking.  Hoping to enjoy Japanese seasonal scene. Also happy to be able to see sweet scene of herons as well.

Thank you very much for stopping by,
Hoping that you all are having beautiful season♬


  1. Such beautiful and interesting photos Miyako.

  2. What a neat sighting and you got some great photos! Love seeing those rice paddys but that must be a very hard job!

  3. Japanese agriculture is so beautiful! Our grain fields are huge and monochromatic, and never have workers who use hand tools, only huge industrial farm equipment.
    Thank you for these photos.
    best…mae at

  4. Miyako - wonderful herons! I saw some while we were on Grand Cayman, but I did not get any photos. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!
