Sunday, February 28, 2021

Girl's Day Exhibition of year 2021 & Japanese Shrike;

*Exhibition of the Girl's Day Festival*

On March. 3rd, we celebrate Girl's Day festival" called "Hinamaturi" in Japan:  I went to the Exhibition Hall called "Igrano Yakata" I've already posted about Girl's Day festival" on March. 3rd in Japan before. And explained about the Japanese tradition of it and showed what kind of festival it is or how the dolls are look like. (here ← is the link) They are so beautiful, I remember my late mother really looked sorry for me finding them ruined by mice more than 40 years ago p;-)

*Japanese Shrike on Telegraph Pole*

     Thank you very much for stopping by 
     I always appreciate and feel thankful for your sweet comments.
        Please stay safe and healthy;


  1. Lovely photos of your girls day

    I am at 11 on the linky today


  2. Such beautiful displays of the Hinnamaturi, Miyako! Love the next to last one, with the building with roof, especially! Wished I knew more of the symbols the displays show. What a lucky moment you could capture the Shrike on the telephone pole! So clear. Many thanks for showing All Seasons these happy experiences,Jesh

  3. Miyako - the dolls are beautiful. I also think the shrike is gorgeous. The feathers on its breast are so distinct! Thanks for sharing these with everyone at Mosaic Monday!

  4. Your blog posts are so beautiful. I love the way the bird is framed in the last photo. Btw, I try leaving comments in the past using name/url and it doesn't see to work. Anon didn't seem to work either. Trying a different selection this time.

  5. What a lovely Post, a wonderful 雛祭り ... thank you for sharing.
    Happy MosaicMonday

  6. Hello Miyako,
    The Girl's Day is a great tradition and festival. Beautiful exhibits and displays.
    The Shrike is a beautiful bird, great captures! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend!
