Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thanks a lot & Stretching my Ankle

Hi, everyone♫  I'm SO grateful for your heartwarming comments for my former post♡♡♡  I've consulted with the professional today and he even couldn't figure out why the transparent part turned into black when we upload the file...  It seems I just have to wait until blogger or Google straighten it up.  Well, I'll stop being overly distressed by it. My header of the home-page will be square one for a while, I hope(^^;)  Hoping that you won't experience the same trouble when you wish to change the header.

I resume using or standing on this small health appliance to stretch my ankle, which my husband made a few years ago.  As I don't do any sports, I find it a little help to refresh my body.  Have a wonderful coming weekend☆☆☆

Thank you very much again, wished to express my appreciation♡♡♡ 


  1. Your blog is still one of the loveliest and most elegant I've ever seen, my dear friend, so I'm glad you are not worrying over it!

    That stand looks amazing, and I'm sure it helps your feet, your ankles, and all the way up into your calf muscles. Your hubby is a talented designer~

  2. that's a neat stand. i will sometimes do that with a rock outside our front door - it is a good stretch for my calves and ankles. :)

  3. I think your header looks great, and I commend you for doing these things on your own, I cannot! That is a nifty foot stretcher, Miyako, your husband is gifted with carpentry skills. I hope you didn't hurt your ankle?? (((hugs))) xo

  4. Dear Miyako,
    I've always thought your blog to be very lovely and wish I could do what you do to my blog but I am without any talent in that department. I tried changing my header once and the results were so bad I needed help to correct it.
    The foot stand looks like it would work very well in stretching the calf muscles. I think I'm going to try my hand at buliding something like it to be used before my walks.
    Enjoy your weekend dear bs. Love always

  5. I wish you feel better soon, enjoy your weekend!

  6. That's a great stand, to stretch your ancles. I love your header picture. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  7. I think there are other bloggers who are having the same problem and maybe it can be fixed only by Blogger or Google. I keep hoping the issue will be resolved!
    The appliance is so neat! It must feel very good to stretch your ankle. And it's made by your husband! He is really talented!!

    Have a great weekend, Miyako san!!

  8. Dearest Miyako,
    Your husband could patent this ankle-stretcher! Great job and very helpful for you.
    Enjoy your blog as it is - lovely for others so you better accept it the same.

  9. That is a wonderful idea to help ankles! Your husband is very talented. God bless.

  10. Hi dear Miyako. I agree with Shelly - yours just has to be the prettiest blog around. It's so feminine as well. We all love it! What a brilliant design your husband did for you with that little stand. I can really see how it would help with the stretching. Take care dear friend. Sending you love and blessings x

  11. Hello Miyako, I love your pretty header. The foot stretcher looks like it would work well. Something I probably need to do too. Have a happy week ahead! HUGS, Eileen

  12. Dear Miyako,

    So lovely to come and visit you and your header and blog is so beautiful.
    How wonderful the ankle stand is too and yes, you would want to patent that, so good.

    Happy new week dear friend

  13. Ciekawy przyrząd do ćwiczeń i mam nadzieję, ze Ci pomoże. Nagłówek bloga jest uroczy. Pozdrawiam.
    An interesting device for exercise, and I hope to help you. Headline blog is lovely. Yours.

  14. I hang my heels down by standing on a step stretches the same muscles, but not as elegantly! How nice of your husband to build this for you!)

    I'm glad to read (in the post above this one) that you got your header problem solved. You are so smart!

  15. That's a good idea. We have something similar made out of rubber.

  16. Dearest Miyako,

    How are you sweetheart!
    so glad to be back and visit you again
    nice exercise. Great job has done by your husband.
    take a good care
    hugs to you
